If you missed the show (were stuck in traffic / cooking your tea / eating the dog’s homework) when my guest mix went out live on Horsemeat Disco’s Rinse FM takeover on Saturday August 4th, fret not for here it is. All official and all straight from the Rinse FM Soundcloud page.

Emotional journeys always take the longest. By December 2016 my world and the world itself has changed so much that you’d be forgiven (and subsequently so can I – be forgiven) for not recognising it from this year’s perspective. By comparison, the physical journey (practically unaided) from Ibiza to Manchester is nothing more than a simple stroll in Thatch Leach Park.

TO BE USEFUL NOT USED SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 26TH Shake it off yeah, just like Taylor Swift. So shower. Then join me on Saturday evening in the Treehouse at the Zoo…
This is the basis of the talk I gave at the Wake Up Festival in Ibiza on Tuesday June 16th. KEEP TALKING We’ve got so much information in our hands…
Words risk a blank page Order their thoughts logically Pen scores through the lines
I have always had a deep love and respect for poetry: TS Eliot’s ‘Macavity – The Mystery Cat’ http://tiny.cc/9it0ex thrilled me as a child and later Shakespeare’s sonnets http://www.shakespeare-online.com/sonnets/17.html and…
Satellites In orbit In awe In bits. http://wordpress.com/read/post/id/489937/68832/