A few months ago, the unstoppable Colleen ‘Cosmo’ Murphy invited me to contribute to an intriguing ‘Classic Album Sundays’ book project that she was working on. The book ‘Classic Albums By Women’ celebrates classic albums by female artists but with a twist. I duly took a selfie of myself along with my favourite album by a woman and wrote some words to go along with it as requested.
Fast forward to October and everybody will be able to check out my favourite album by a female artist in the new @ClassicAlbumSundays book called quite simply – Classic Albums By Women (look for the hashtag #classicalbumsbywomenbook). You can find and buy it in all good book stores, online outlets and directly through Urban Outfitters. Peep my selfie and words alongside those of some global uber superstars including The Black Madonna, Honey Dijon, Nina Kraviz and Jamie XX. Hashtag #stockingfiller. Hashtag #OMFG. Hashtag #gratitude.
You can also hear my / our favourite tracks from the album on a special playlist on the Classic Album Sundays Spotify channel so it’s time to renew / refresh your subscription.
I can’t tell you which album I have chosen yet – a girl has got to leave something to the imagination right? I have, however, had a sneak preview of my page and am blown away by how beautiful it looks. It’s the perfect addition to every music library and coffee / tea / mocktail, cocktail and listening bar readers and I know that you are going to love it.