LOCKDOWN 1 has me in house/tech mode. This week I took my inspiration from a Twitter / Instagram friend called Stephanie who asked when I would be doing a live stream. I made this especially for her. Life is about overcoming challenges, about never being defeated and about doing what I’m best at. Life is about disco, tech and house. Life is about living. Life is beautiful indeed.
Stay safe. Stay home. Save lives.
Catch me streaming a set for UNITED WE STREAM – https://confidentials.com/manchester/free-streaming-service-to-broadcast-manchester-entertainment-worldwide
LOCKDOWN 1 has me in house and tech mode. This week I took my inspiration from a Twitter / Instagram friend called Stephanie who asked when I would be doing a live stream. I made this especially for her. Thanks to her subsequent tweet to Sacha Lord, you can catch me streaming a set this week for UNITED WE STREAM – twitter.com/mcrconfidential/sta…77957089288201?s=20 #StaySafeStayHome #StaySafeSaveLives