I’m always banging on about how proud I am to be a Manc so it is a massive honour to be able to commit my absolute love and passion for this city and my hometown to film.
It’s been an intense few weeks finding black people and people of colour landed squarely in the middle of another pandemic – racism. Something has to give. Something has to change. When conversation fails me, I turn to poetry. Here’s a poem I wrote earlier about some of my experiences – it’s not finished yet. I will continue to tweak until it’s right.
I write poems, lyrics and songs. In poems my preferred format is haiku (yeah yeah short, yeah yeah lazy whatever) but I was moved to write a longer piece for a spoken word performance in a large group when I had a presentation for a job (which I eventually never used but I got the job and I will tell you about it in another post soon). This is my newest baby – it’s called ‘I Am The One’ and I am super proud of it.
Satellites In orbit In awe In bits. http://wordpress.com/read/post/id/489937/68832/