It’s been an intense few weeks finding black people and people of colour landed squarely in the middle of another pandemic – racism. Something has to give. Something has to change. When conversation fails me, I turn to poetry. Here’s a poem I wrote earlier about some of my experiences – it’s not finished yet. I will continue to tweak until it’s right.
I write poems, lyrics and songs. In poems my preferred format is haiku (yeah yeah short, yeah yeah lazy whatever) but I was moved to write a longer piece for a spoken word performance in a large group when I had a presentation for a job (which I eventually never used but I got the job and I will tell you about it in another post soon). This is my newest baby – it’s called ‘I Am The One’ and I am super proud of it.
2016 swings in with a bang … Twenty years of dj’ing and three cities have brought me to this place. I do not know what I am doing and I am not trained for this but that was the first time that I saved my mother’s life.
I smile a lot regardless, but taking photos of this London graffiti wall made me feel like I’d won the lottery. I was having a lovely time in London…